Death of a child is such an especially challenging loss. Parents are more than willing to participate in our February and August 4-week support groups for all losses. However, you may feel more comfortable participating in a group that is specifically for parents, so we want to provide you some information about The Compassionate Friends organization. Please click on the emblem below to learn more about the overall organization and/or look at the information about the New Orleans’ area chapters.

The Compassionate Friends: Greater New Orleans Chapter
Chapter#: 1615
Chapter Phone Line (504) 265-0581
Meeting Info: 2nd Monday of each month 7:00 pm
Meeting Address: East Jefferson General Hosptial Conference Center Room: Esplanade 2, 4200 Houma Blvd, Metairie, LA 70006
Notes: Chapter also offers sibling support
The Compassionate Friends: St. Bernard Chapter
Chapter#: 1686
Liz (504) 421-3986
or Trish (504) 717-1951
Meeting Info: 2nd Wednesday of each month 6:30 pm
Meeting Address: Government Complex (Pecan Grove Conf. Room), 8201 W Judge Perez Dr, Chalmette, LA 70043