You may just be beginning your grief journey, and you are feeling very overwhelmed right now. Our goal is to provide you with tools to assist you on your grief journey. Some of those tools will educate you on the grief journey (informational articles), whereas others are specifically included to minister directly to your heart (i.e., songs). You can use our "Blog Archive" on the left side of the blog to help you navigate to the titles which interest you the most. If at any time you have questions or comments, whether they be about the blog itself, one of the postings, or your own grief journey, please don't hesitate to call me (Kim) at 504-734-0140 or reach out via e-mail at ksmith@stjosephhospice.com.
Below you will find a copy of our "Heart Connections: Event Edition", which will give you an overview of the Bereavement Events we have provided for you.

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