Identity Theft is the fastest growing crime in America. “The 2013 Identity Fraud Report released in February 2013 by Javelin Strategy & Research reports that in 2012 identity fraud incidents increased by more than one million victims and fraudsters stole more than $21 billion, the highest amount since 2009. The study found 12.6 million victims of identity fraud in the United States in the past year, which equates to 1 victim every 3 seconds.” (Source:
This may seem like an unusual topic for a bereavement program, but there are two primary reasons this seminar will be offered at this time: (1) identity theft can greatly complicate an already stressful time following the death of a loved one; (2) a criminal might try to steal the information of your deceased loved one (i.e., social security number), which would create even more problems in settling estates, succession, etc.
Because this topic creates much discussion, there will be approximately an optional 30-minute discussion following the seminar.
When?—January 13 from 6pm-7:30pm (30 minutes added for discussion).
Where?--LCCU Conference Room (#140) Louisiana Central Credit Union Building at 824 Elmwood Park Blvd.