Mother’s Day is a special day in American culture...a day set aside to honor our mothers and/or those who have filled that mother-role in our lives. Traditionally, this is a day of celebration, but for many each year, the day is one more reminder that our earthly mothers are no longer with us.
Just like the other “special” days in the calendar year, I strongly suggest that you make a plan for how you will spend this Mother’s Day. The following ideas are just a few of many found in Harold Ivan Smith’s Grieving the Death of a Mother (Note: These ideas could also be adapted & used for other “special” days.)
– Donate to a worthy cause in honor of your mother (i.e., If your mother was a teacher, you might choose to establish a scholarship for someone pursuing a teaching degree.)
– Do a mitzvah, or good deed, in honor of your mother (i.e., Buy or make something from scratch and give to someone who would appreciate it.)
– Write a poem or a song about your mother. Consider using this sentence to get you started: “I never realized that my mother could…”
– Refinish a piece of your mother’s furniture (Either for you or to give as a gift to someone dear to your mother.)
– Become a companion to someone who is also experiencing motherloss. (You may feel as though you are the only one going through this kind of pain, but I can assure you, there are many who can relate and would
appreciate a companion on their grief journey.)
– Cook your mother’s favorite recipes. Make copies of the recipes or even put together a recipe book, so that the recipes can be passed on to future generations.
I hope these suggestions have been helpful, but if you feel that you or someone you care about needs additional support, has questions about what he/she is experiencing, or would like information about services available to him/her, please don’t hesitate to call me at (504) 734-0140 or e-mail me at