A couple of years ago one of our Heart2Heart Connections’ (our social group for widows) participants wrote these thought-provoking words: “Losing a spouse is like finishing a jigsaw puzzle and finding there’s a piece missing. You’ve still accomplished something and the puzzle is pretty; it’s just not all there.” I wonder how many of you who have had your spouse die would agree with those words.
As I’ve thought about these words, I’ve thought about how they could also be applied to many other losses. For instance, in the past, I had a mother whose adult child had left tell me that although she may find happiness in the time she has left here, the happiness would never be as much as it would have been if her child had been able to experience life with her. How true that was.
Yet, how can we take this idea, not as discouragement that our life puzzle will never be fully “complete”, but use it as encouragement to move back toward the puzzle table? Well, even though at the end of our lives, the puzzle may have not been 100% as it would have been if we had all of those we love with us for the duration of the journey, that does not have to mean that at the moment of their leaving, we take all the puzzle pieces off the table, throw them in the box and say “I’m through!” Sadly, I’ve seen a few people over the years do just that. However, the majority of us leave the puzzle on the table, not really doing much with it for quite some time after our loved one has left, not having the energy or motivation to even look at it, let alone put a piece in place. Yet, as we move further down the road to healing, we may find ourselves back at the table, slowly placing a piece or two in place, realizing there is still beauty in life to be seen and experienced. Is it time for you to return to the table, take your time and search out the perfect next piece to your puzzle?
Copyright © 2014 by Kim Smith
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