I have always had a special compassion for those who are dealing with multiple losses, but when this happened in my own family, I received a much greater appreciation of the difficulty in attempting to process multiple losses at one time. Twice in about 30 days time, I sat in the same funeral home, facing the same family members with just the choice of seats rearranged, and spoke to those who were as shell-shocked as I was. After returning to my “normal” life, I found myself especially anxious, expecting to receive a follow-up to the “one-two punch” with maybe another uppercut the next month. I have to tell you that this experience was more than unnerving.
After one overcomes the anxiety that there will be another punch coming her way, then she has to deal with the question of “how does one work through the grief of multiple losses at one time?” Good question. As with most questions regarding grief, there is never a one size fits all answer. I can only speak from my own personal experiences and also my experiences with those who have encountered multiple losses. My advise is to deal with your grief just as you would with a single loss—whatever person or issue that is pressing most strongly against your mind and heart, focus on that person or issue. With multiple losses, you may find that you will deal with issues regarding to all in the same day or you may be singularly focused on a particular person or issue to the exclusion of the others for a season of time. Our head and heart has an innate way of revealing the pain we need to deal with next—trust yourself and your instincts.
So, if you have encountered multiple losses, my heart goes out to you. Be patient with yourself and your loved ones especially during this time. If you would like to receive the CareNote “Feeling Overwhelmed When One Loss Follows Another,” please just contact me (Kim) at 504-734-0140 or via e-mail at stjosephnober@yahoo.com.
Copyright © 2014 by Kim Smith
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