Sunday, June 1, 2014

Father’s Day Edition: “What Can I Do to Honor My Dad’s Memory This Father’s Day?” (2014 Posting)

Father’s Day is a special day in American culture...a day set aside to honor our fathers and/or those who have filled that father-role in our lives. Traditionally, this is a day of celebration, but for many each year, the day is one more reminder that our earthly fathers are no longer with us.

clip_image002Just like the other “special” days in the calendar year, please consider making a plan for how you will spend this Father’s Day. The following ideas were part of an article on Neil Chetnik’s (author of FatherLoss: How Sons Deal with the Deaths of Their Dads) website, (Note: These ideas could also be adapted & used for other “special” days.)

  • Be a mentor to a child whose father has died or who has no father in his life.
  • Write a Father's Day card focusing on the things that you loved or appreciated about your dad.clip_image002[4]
  • Wear an article of your father's clothing.
  • If your father loved music, spend an hour listening to his favorite album.
  • If your dad loved wood-working, use his saws, hammer and wood to build something simple or begin a new project.
  • Cook your father's favorite meal for your family or friends.
  • Read one of the books that your father loved.
  • Donate some money to your father's favorite cause.
  • Contact a current father-figure in your life whom you admire and tell him so.
  • If you are a father, focus on being the best father you can be to your children.

clip_image002[6]I hope these suggestions have been helpful, but if you feel that you or someone you care about needs additional support, has questions about what he/she is experiencing, or would like information about services available to him/her, please don’t hesitate to call me at (504) 734-0140 or e-mail Kim at

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